One day, Lyrica was going through a box of books at her childhood home. She rediscovered her favorites: “Amazing Grace,” “The Drinking Gourd,” and “Whistle for Willie.”

Lyrica realized her mother had made sure she would see Black characters in texts. However, what she didn’t grow up with was books with Haitian characters and books written by Haitians.

Lyrica decided she had to write her own. That is how '“T se pou TapTap” was born.

Lyrica believes that the diaspora can reconnect to their roots through art.

Lyrica wrote The Magic in the Diaspora over at midnight & indigo and It Is Meant For Her, And Always Was for BLACKREWRITE.

She is working on her next children’s book, titled Ayiti, Ayiti, along with Wanna Johansson and Marianata Sylvaince.

Read her other publications about justice, equity, and social work here.
